Dolibarr Booking Connector

Dolibarr Booking Connector

We are pleased to release “Dolibarr Booking Connector” which allows you to connect booking and dolibarr, with which you can manage all the reservations that are generated through your web portal with booking and dolibarr we leave you link to our store so you can acquire our module.

having configured the dolibarr booking connector, the staf and reservation calendar should be created, with which users can make their reservations through the web portal you have for them.

adm. user in booking

Once these reserves are approved, they will be transferred to Dolibarr so that you can manage the payment of the services provided.

interface Dolibarr
interface in dolibarr

We hope you enjoy this module which will allow you to control and manage your reservation system.

Open Source tools to Manage our Business

Open Source tools to Manage our Business

Nowadays, every time it is more essential to manage our company and have the right tool or tools is essential, but in turn, when we come across this, we find that the

Tools that are too expensive for our company and this is where the Open Source tools come into play in my experience Dolibarr is an excellent ERP / CRM with

Which can control various aspects of our company and the other tool for e-commerce Prestashop with which you can control your business and without disbursing an exorbitant amount of money

Main characteristics of Dolibarr

Free Open Source Program (Gnu / Gpl license).
100% Free.
100% based on WEB.
Very user friendly and easy to use.
Various graphic themes.
The code is simple and highly customizable (PHP).
Works with MySQL 3.1 or higher and PostgreSQL.
Works with PHP 4.3 or higher.
Also here are some of the reasons why user Dolibarr

Installation simplicity
Dolibarr is one of the few ERP & CRM, that its installation is similar to that of a well-known CMS Joomla or WordPress. In a very short time, we can have our Dolibarr installed, and ready to be configured.

Simplicity of use
A very important feature and disseminated by users of Dolibarr, is its simplicity at the time of use, this makes our learning curve faster and more effective. In addition we can activate and configure the modules necessary to work day by day with them. Dolibarr has a very intuitive interface.

Simplicity of update:
One of the important issues that users and implementers have to take into account, is the update of the system to be up to date with later versions of the system, necessary for the resolution of possible bugs (errors) found and the improvement and incorporation of new functionalities .

The simpler the process, the more grateful both parties will be (user and implant). This is the case of dolibarr, where its update, consists of a reinstallation.

Easy adaptation to the client’s needs
Dolibarr is not the perfect system and may have some functionality deficiencies, or existing ones we want to modify them to our needs. We are

sure, that this same thing happens to all existing programs, in any of the possible areas (programs that are not management). Dolibarr, is implemented

with programming languages ​​PHP, MYSQL, and has its own API, which greatly facilitates the extension of developments tailored to a client, or the development of external modules.

100% web-based system
Being a WEB-based system, the only thing necessary to be able to work with it is to have an internet connection. We can access from anywhere with our

computer, laptop, tablet, mobile device, etc … It will be like taking the office with you anywhere, maximum availability and productivity.

In this way, we can take advantage of any time of habitual inactivity, such as, long waits of commercials to its clients in a room, trips, etc …

Open Source solution
The fact that dolibarr is an Open Source solution, is only a competitive advantage compared to other solutions that are not, due to having its code closed.

With Open Source applications, any user who has programming knowledge can solve, evolve, or adapt our system, without any kind of technical or legal problem.

No dependence on a provider
Due to the previous characteristics of the Open Souce, it does not allow not to depend on a service provider. At any time, we can go to any programmer, implantor, consultant that we have more confidence, and continue using the tool.

Dolibarr Community
Thanks to the existence of a community in continuous growth, we can have new features, collaborations, support support by forum, etc …, and also participate in the suggestions and ideas, reaching a much broader project, focused by the community, and constantly improved.

Fast System
Despite being a WEB system, thanks to its architecture and internal methodology, dolibarr can boast of being quick, when executing all kinds of queries and actions.

Maximum availability of work:
Because with dolibarr everything is much simpler, the availability of work is going to be maximum, since any problem can be solved easily, and the times to perform maintenance and updates will be much smaller, intervening the minimum in the work of the users

We include some extra reasons, and we will be adding many more reasons periodically.

Periodic updates
Dolibarr launches two versions per year, so it guarantees continuous improvements to the project. It also offers a series of tools for the solution of bugs (errors) and depending on the type of error, dolibarr will launch a patch for its solution.
